Thursday, January 27, 2011

Book Recommendations

Wanted to pass on two books I recently read and would highly recommend:

-Radical Homemakers
Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture
by Shannon Hayes

-The Wild Trees
A Story of Passion and Daring
by Richard Preston

I was going to share some quotes from each, but I had so many pages dog-eared, I thought I would just send a blanket recommendation!! Let me know of any amazing books you've been reading.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


The new year is always a good time to begin new things, abandon old ways that aren't working and to re-examine our day to day lives. I am doing a two fold challenge for January. No drinking alcohol (aw sweet nectar I miss you!) and a yoga challenge through Yoga Journal.
The yoga challenge is for 21 days to incorporate yoga as a daily practice. Already I am reaping benefits from both challenges and reflecting on habits, routines and our day to day-ness that can benefit us or become a detriment. I am a very routine minded person (even more so since having my daughter) and the main thing I have realized is we really can do whatever we put our mind to.
The time is now. The place is here. Dig deep kids, because this is all the life we've got.
Wishing everyone a productive and transformative year ahead!
(also we'll see when Feburary rolls around what I will really take from this months challenges and reflections!!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Primal Power

Happy New Year!
I've been a bit snowbound this week which has forced me to slow down, change plans, and make lots of new jewelry.
December was quite the big month and we've all made it to the other side alive and (at least somewhat) well. My next project is a show at Gallery Beyond Words in Prescott. The opening is during artwalk on January 28th. My dad will be there playing music and I will also be doing a block printing demo starting at 6:30. It's a lovely gallery and I hope to see you there!


Prescott’s Unique Contemporary Gallery
204 North McCormick Street
Prescott AZ 928.778.2713