The holidays are here along with fairly cold and wet and muddy and frozen weather. What to do? Make some presents and read..a lot!
Edythe helped me make these hooks. Functional art folks!!
Where are my keys??? Oh that's right, on the tiger hook where I always put them now!
Edythe helped me make these hooks. Functional art folks!!
Where are my keys??? Oh that's right, on the tiger hook where I always put them now!
I put in some hold requests at the library this summer and some of them are just now trickling in. Such as this thriller Before I Go to Sleep.
A really fast read!! Don't act like you're just going to read a few pages before dinner. Everyone will come home to a cold kitchen and you in your bed hurriedly turning pages.
I never would've picked this up but saw a review of it this summer.
Then for something completely unrelated, I found this at the goodwill on my birthday and really loved it!! Also very quick reads, I already finished number two in the series. Also, haven't read a series in a long time, so that is fun! Also I found out they made a movie/miniseries of these books and my fave Jill Scott plays the leading roll. I will be interested to peep her African accent. Go female detectives!!
My daughter's 2nd birthday is tomorrow, so we're adding that to the mix!! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. Try to find a bit of quiet time every day if you can to reflect, breath and relax. Cheers!