Sunday, March 8, 2009


Otherwise known as...."what next?" I thought that i would be blogging about how I got into the Arts Prescott Cooperative Gallery because I had my interview on Friday. However, I didn't get in...perhaps something about counting your chickens before they hatch??? So now it's beck to What Next, back to doing the work, back to the next Now as my mom would say.

It's fine overall, I had been fairly stressed about the financial commitment this would have entailed, so as they say Que Sera, Sera.

In other news, there's a new baby in our family that made it safe and sound who's awesome! Welcome Jackson!

A poem to share...

the manzanita is blooming
and suddenly
i am seven building forts
i am seventeen building angst
i am thirty-two building
beginnings, bones, books
and bread.
the manzanita is blooming
blink and you'll miss it.
year in and year out
this memory retains
this memory remains
year in and year out
the manzanita helps me remember.

My goal for the week is to do some new drawings and to apply to a show/grant/etc. Yeah!


  1. Oh. I'm so sorry about not getting in. I know how you feel about taking a step back and needing to reevaluate. Perhaps that's what this spring is ushering in?

  2. Megan, I have been trying to get into Arts Prescott for some time now. Same story with many of the current gallery members. It takes persistence. This time was my time. Don't give up on your vision. It (whatever "it" is) will come in time but only if you're there pursuing it. Regards Tony Reynolds

  3. I love your poem.
    That was what I first noticed about this post - drawn to the poem...then to the other news...
    Do I need to come up there to biscuit and kick some ass? You are awesome.
