Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rainwater Harvesting Workshop

This weekend my mother in law Connie and I attended a workshop on rainwater harvesting at Manzanita Village, a co-housing community here in town. Supercool! We ate really good food and shoveled LOTS of dirt. We learned about tanks for holding water as well as basins and berms that you make with dirt to hold water.

We received books written by Brad Lancaster from Tucson and the workshop was taught by Andy Millison.

Some of the co-housing guys playing drums!
Everyone from Manzanita Village was so nice it was crazy!

This is where the cistern will go.

I encourage everyone to look into some type of water harvesting- it makes sense ya'll!


  1. In present time when water shortage is becoming the common issue among many cities Water harvesting seems to be nice idea.But are these water harvesting systems are affordable enough to fits in everyone's budget.
    Rainwater filters

  2. Nice info ! Educating people about the importance and advantages of the water harvesting system can be called very nice and desirable step to be taken as it surely offers better future for us without water shortage
    Water tanks
